6140 Taylor Dr
Flint, MI 48507
Call us: 810-963-0026
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The old line from business owners goes something like this, “About half of the money we spend on advertising is wasted - we just don’t know which half!”
We do.
Your money is wasted on any advertising you don’t track.
Think about it. If you don’t know the net results of your advertising expenditures, then you’re probably wasting money.
We don’t run from results - that’s why clients come to us. At Alfred Anderson Marketing we measure your advertising results in search of greater efficiencies. We leverage little known, low-cost media strategies that bring your costs in line with results. And, we consult with you on an ongoing basis to monitor the results you’re getting and suggest new strategies.
We help you cut non-performing ad media and replace it with strategies that generate measurable results. The result? You spend less and generate better return on investment.
Would you like to learn more about how we think and how we work? Click over to our blog to read about our media experience, our clients and their successes - and failures.
Ready to talk now? Call or email us to set up a free Marketing Analysis for your business - or if you’re really looking for a chance to tune-up your business for 2012, call and sign up for a once-in-a-lifetime training experience.
Members of the media, please email sales materials for review to make calls more efficient.